Beautifully Illustrated Storybook with 8.5x11 Cut Out Poster

A peek inside...

A very gifted lone star overcomes daily challenges of being different, and the struggles to find a sense of belonging.
Star Bizarre's journey in each book, shares encouraging tips of how to keep shining bright, and not let anything or anyone dim your light!

" The Lone Star"
This very unique star tries to fit in with all of the other star groups. Along the way, Star Bizarre finds by trying too hard is one of the things that may dim your light. Instead, she learns to have confidence and simply just be her genuine self.
"The Happy Bubble"
Star Bizarre is a big dreamer and always looks at the bright side of things. Sometimes other stars don't understand how this can be. Star Bizarre has to learn how to both protect, and share her happy bubble to help shed more light.
"Time To Shine"
Star Bizarre finds out that the more you get comfortable to be yourself, the more you realize you have a specific gift and purpose. Star Bizarre shares the simple ways to help you SHINE ON too, with little uplifting reminders.
"Am I a Sunbeam?"
Star Bizarre is surprised that someone completely opposite can grow up the exact same way, believing in the same things, or have the same dreams; while we are all different, we are all still the same. Star Bizarre quickly learns that besides bold stars, there are other types of quiet, steady LIGHT (like moonlight and sunlight) that can also shine very bright.