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Struggles to Strengths


Having overcome many unexpected traumatic situations, struggles for survival and even simply (but not so simple) suffering loss and broken heart, I have found that when we reach our darkest hour, it provides the platform for our BRIGHTEST of opportunities. 

Suicidal thoughts is a reality for many, at one point or another, and I have personally been in those dark moments several times in my lifetime. For almost each time I went through some sort of struggle, I wondered how much more can I possibly take? Some events stacked onto others, and I seemed helplessly vulnerable. Some events were severe and catastrophic enough on their own, where I thought, "This is it! The is the final straw!"... 

In each of those moments, I was lucky enough to have extremely positive parents, whose constant message of "it can always be worse" kept repeating in my head. Each time I started to feel weak and like a "victim", I would remind myself that attitude is a decision. Either I can allow the outside - whether it be people or situations- to define me, or I can determine exactly what I'm about and what I'm meant to be. The hardest part was always letting go of people's perception. I had to get both feet planted on the ground enough to realize "no one will ever know you 100%", they only know the story you tell them.

So each time I struggled the most, I made sure I looked my best. I took more time to project a different story than my own reality. Remember that old phrase "fake it until you make it"? Well, in each one of my struggling situations, I started to tell MYSELF a different story! I started to convince myself those moments of hardship were all the experiences I needed to reach GREATNESS. That for each situation, I was expanding my portfolio in the ability to connect with others. That, YES! everything DOES happen for a reason.

Even though you may not make sense of something at the time, if you have FAITH and TRUST in timing, just like truth, REASON also prevails.

I believe the opportunity to cultivate my life lessons learned in each one of my experiences gives my struggles PURPOSE.

Proudly surving my challenges, kicking suicidal thoughts to the curb (allowing them to become just fleeting thoughts and laughing at myself instead when I had them) gives me the confidence to pursue my latest collection: 

FOCUS FORWARD. T-shirts that ask you "what's behind you?" - to leave it behind you, with a reminder to focus on what truly lies ahead. 

There can never be light without dark, happy without sad, overcoming fear, without fear, strength without weakness...

Your struggles right now is only the path to your own greatness. The more you allow yourself to feel the depths of it all, you'll realize for any extreme low, there is an extreme high. You're actually BLESSED to be given the gift of what's about to come! Be patient, and trust timing.

My hope is that my T-shirts will influence ONE life, and give my own struggles and failures REASON.  That those darkest moments where I changed my story, I told myself: "Get up! Get dressed! Do your hair and make up! Put on something nice! Smile! Look at yourself in the mirror and say: YOU,.... You right there, go tackle the world! Because its the world that needs you!".... was all just for YOU!

I'm greatly looking forward to creating more LIGHT! Stay tuned.

With all my heart,


What is Bumble Fly exactly?

Read my full story at:

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